Energy Offer for our Hotel customers

As a Hotel, you will have very different energy requirements to most other organisations. Typically high users of Gas & Power, Bondzie Consulting has a pedigree in finding the best provider for you to deal with.

What do we offer?

  • Market timing. Constant monitoring of the market allows us to forward buy energy at the low points in a constantly fluctuating market.
  • Dedicated account managers will work with you to agree a smart meter roll out. Smart meters can help cut energy bills.
  • Multiple suppliers. We contract with 14 major energy companies who all bring different skills and pricing.

  • Prices can vary by 28% between the highest and the lowest quote for each client. If you only check the price of one supplier, it’s rare that their prices will be the lowest.
  • Proactive contract management to ensure that you never fall on to high out of contract rates.

What we'll need from you:
Copies of your most recent bills and a signed LOA that allows us to go to market on your behalf.